Orexin and Sleep
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Ihr Preis
€ 160,49
160,49 € / 1 St.
Buchformat: Taschenbuch
Packungsgröße: 1 St
Verkauf und Versand durch
Lieferung in 3-5 Werktagen
Standardversand (kostenlos)
- 9783319352206
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Produktdetails & Pflichtangaben
This volume is intended for neuropharmacologists, psychopharmacologists, pharmacologists, pharmacists, sleep researchers, translational neuroscience researchers, and other basic researchers and clinical scientists interested in an interdisciplinary approach to sleep medicine. The level of the book is aiming at CNS researchers, drug development scientists, basic and clinical sleep researchers, as well as senior medical students and fellows in psychiatry and neurology. Orexin and Sleep provides a unique resource, giving a comprehensive and highly readable summary of the basic concepts in orexin biology and pharmacology along with clinical applications in sleep medicine in general, and narcolepsy in particular.
410 Seiten Englisch / Erscheinungsdatum: 23.08.2016
6330 Cham, Gewerbestr. 11
6330 Cham, Gewerbestr. 11
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