
Osteopathic Techniques

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multiple choice, manipulation treatment, Osteopathic, WinkingSkull.com
Weitere Produktinformationen
FIVE STARS from Doody's Star Ratings™ This step-by-step instruction manual with videos introduces a spectrum of osteopathic manipulative techniques incorporating principles of psychomotor learning that enable optimal skill acquisition during both independent and supervised practice. Introductory chapters contain historical and essential concepts for performing osteopathic manipulative techniques including somatic dysfunction diagnosis. Each technique chapter includes pertinent background and summary concepts, key features of somatic dysfunction diagnosis, an end-goal focus for performing the technique, relevant anatomic image(s), and performance steps to foster knowledge retention. Key Highlights Online access to 160 technique video demonstrationsHigh quality illustrations that reinforce anatomyPsychomotor skills learning and assessment strategiesNearly 100 self-study/review questions in multiple choice format, also accessible via WinkingSkull.com This evidence-based manual for learning manipulation treatment is the must-have tool for all osteopathic medical students and residents.
294 Seiten Englisch / Erscheinungsdatum: 10.05.2017
10001 New York, Seventh Avenue 333


10001 New York, Seventh Avenue 333

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Osteopathic Techniques

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