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psychology, Meditation, Theosophy, esotericism, soul
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We do not hear the sun rise. So too, the greatest moments in a man's life come quietly. With this beautiful quotation, the author begins his introduction to meditation. He draws from an esoteric tradition where meditation is called occult meditation, because it aims at uncovering the hidden laws of nature and showing the way to unification with our own inner source, the soul, through contemplation and illumination. Niels Brønsted (1938-2020) combines theory and practical use in a clear and thought-through way. By means of practical exercises he leads his reader safely through the phases and technique of occult meditation. This makes Meditation - The Royal Road to the Soul a much needed handbook for the person who wants to make meditation a significant part of his or her life.
124 Seiten Englisch / Erscheinungsdatum: 05.08.2024
22848 Norderstedt, In de Tarpen 42


22848 Norderstedt, In de Tarpen 42

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